All posts by Admin

Happy Halloween written on a pumpkin

All Aboard the Halloween Eerie Express in Chattanooga TN

When and Where Can I Ride the 2019 Halloween Eerie Express?

It’s the question everyone who loves Halloween in Chattanooga, TN, asks every year – when and where can I ride the 2019 Halloween Eerie Express? Well, fear not fellow Halloween lovers, as we’ve got everything you need to know to enjoy one of Chattanooga’s favorite Halloween traditions. So, get the whole family together and get ready to hear the “All Aboard!” call as we prepare to embark on one of the most entertaining Halloween adventures to ever put wheels to the track. Read the rest of this entry >>

a man cleaning the exterior of a car

How to Remove Car Decals Without Damaging the Exterior Paint

Car decals are stickers placed usually on the rear bumper or glass to show some sort of message to drivers around them. These stickers can show support to a political candidate, demonstrate school spirit for a college they attended, or even just display which type of dog they have as a pet. However, you may be regretting putting the decal on or are buying a used car covered in these stickers. How do you remove these stickers without damaging the paint? The process is a little complex, but very doable. Read the rest of this entry >>

two girls holding a dog next to an SUV with open cargo area

SUVs with the Highest Maximum Cargo Capacity

The SUV is a great type of vehicle for anyone looking to transport lots of people or cargo. However, which SUV is best for the job? With so many SUVs in the market, it can be hard to pick. Some offer more seating while others offer more cargo capacity. Here, we will list some SUVs with the highest maximum cargo capacity available to drivers. Note that for comparison purposes, we limited these vehicles to only 2019 models. Read the rest of this entry >>

a couple sitting on couch researching on laptop

How does the length and rate of my car loan affect what I pay?

If you do not have much experience with auto loans, then it can be a bit confusing on what you are actually paying for. Basically, when you take out a loan, the lender is allowing you to use their money and in return, you compensate their services by paying interest on the loan. The length of the loan and the interest rate will overall affect how much interest you will end up paying before the end of the loan term. Keep reading below to learn more! Read the rest of this entry >>

image of a car's headlight

Step by Step to Change the Headlights in Your Vehicle

Headlights and taillights are essential parts of every vehicle. They help to get drivers to their destinations safely while also making the vehicle visible to other drivers that are on the road. This is why it is important to make sure that both of your headlights are always working, not to mention it is illegal to drive with burnt-out headlights. Keep reading below to learn how to change your own headlights! Read the rest of this entry >>

fresh oil being poured in a car

How do I change the oil in my car or truck at home?

Is it almost time for an oil change on your vehicle? It might be time for you to consider taking care of the oil change yourself to save some money and give you the confidence that the job is done right! Although some people believe that this is a job that can only be done by a mechanic, changing your oil can be done in just a few simple steps! Watch the step by step video below to learn how to correctly change the oil in your car or truck! Read the rest of this entry >>

two dogs looking out a car window

Is it safe for my dog to be in the car with the windows rolled down?

If you have a pet dog, you probably consider him to be a part of the family and you wouldn’t want anything to happen to them. Your dog loves you and trusts you to take care of it. It is your job to take care of your pet and make sure that it is taken care of. A fatal mistake that some pet owners make is leaving their dog in the car when it is too hot outside. This horrible mistake could cost your pup their life. Keep reading below to learn if it is okay to leave your dog in the vehicle! Read the rest of this entry >>