a technician wearing white gloves working on the brakes of a car

Make Sure You’re Always Ready to Stop with These Brake Maintenance Tips

How-To: Keeping an Eye on Your Brakes

There are few – if any – feelings worse for drivers than when you push your brake pedal and nothing happens. Even pushing the brake pedal and having your vehicle sluggishly and slowly come to a stop while shaking and vibrating is a scary situation. Thankfully, this is a problematic situation that’s easily avoidable, especially if you follow these how-to tips for keeping an eye on your brakes. Read the rest of this entry >>

Chevy logo

How to Figure Out Which Automotive Brand is Right for You at Auto Simple in Chattanooga TN

Which Automotive Brand Will You Choose at Auto Simple?

There aren’t many car dealerships out there that provide a one-stop shop for you to check out all available automotive brands at once – but Auto Simple here in Chattanooga, TN, is one of the few that do. In fact, we carry every automotive brand’s models we can get our hands on – provided those models pass the rigorous inspection we put the pre-owned cars, trucks, and SUVs on our lot through. And that means you’ve got a huge selection to choose from when coming to pick out your used vehicle. But which automotive brand will you choose here at Auto Simple? Well, we’re going to help you figure that out right here. Read the rest of this entry >>

a technician holding a tire walking towards a car

Step-By-Step Tips on How to Check to See if You Need to Replace Your Tires from Auto Simple in Chattanooga TN

How Do I Know When I Need to Replace My Tires?

Picking the most important feature or part of an automobile is pretty much impossible, as all of the parts work in conjunction with one another to get you where you need to go. And that means you’ve got to make sure you keep the entirety of your car, truck or SUV in tip-top shape to ensure you’re always safe while out on the road. But how do you do that? Or, more specifically in this case, how do you know when you need to replace your tires? Well, that’s what we’re here to tell you as we’re going to cover everything you need to know about keeping a close eye on your tires so you know when you need to get them replaced before it’s too late. Read the rest of this entry >>