Have you ever applied for a loan, only to end up paying a bank you’ve never heard of and aren’t quite sure you can trust? If not, you may never have received an auto loan. One of the frustrating parts about financing a car is that you’re left to trust service advisors who will run your credit through as many locations as possible just to get approval. If you’re in desperate need of transportation, you may be fine with this practice. Otherwise, you might find your already shaky history is now even worse. This is why we think you’ll love visiting a buy here, pay here dealership. Auto Simple has locations in Dalton, GA and Dayton, Cleveland and Chattanooga, TN. We’re happy to not only offer a great selection of used cars, but we help get you payments you can afford.
One of the hardest parts about getting a car is to get a financial institution to give you a loan. Auto Simple, we can offer rates as low as 14.9 percent for qualified customers and down payments as low as $499. Clearly, the benefits of buy here, pay here dealership center on the fact that we can get you into a reliable vehicle even if you have no credit or poor credit. We are also local to the area, so you can stop by if you have problems rather than dealing with large financial institutions and their impersonal customer service. We can even help you schedule your payment plan to match your payday to make it simple for you to make your payments and rebuild your credit. Aside from the benefits of easy, online approval, we also have a 48-hour timeframe to return a car so you know you’ve made the right choice. To further reduce the cost of your loan overall, we are happy to buy any car you might trade in and we offer top dollar for trade-in vehicles. The first step to getting a loan is finding a vehicle worth owning. Stop by Auto Simple to check out our inventory and take a test drive.